Studio Tour

It has been awhile since I did any kind of studio tour for blog readers, so I thought I would do that today.  These photos were taken last month.  Some are a little out of focus…. sorry bout that!

So come on in, see where we spend so much of our time.  And feel free to leave your quilt tops here for us to quilt.  (captions and descriptions will be below the photo.  click on any photo to enlarge)


Step right in….


my machine in foreground, Steve’s further to left.


My design wall is on the far wall.  I have been working on an art quilt.  Some other quilt blocks are behind the art quilt.  Multitasking is the name of my game.


Looking back towards my machine.  The small machines in foreground are where I embroider.


The view from where I do most of my piecing.


Steve’s machine.  This is his view of the world much of the time.  That door in the far corner is where we started the tour.. where you came in the door.


Part of my stash.  The cabinet on right has doors open for the photo.  My friends organized my stash by color for me.  The open shelving has just fat quarters organized by color on the top shelves.


Just part of our thread collection.  Actually, this is Steve’s thread collection.  And some of my templates.  Wall hanging on the wall is one of my most prized possessions.  An authentic Navajo woven rug… a gift from my sister.


This cabinet has a few of my own quilts that are waiting to be quilted.  And all the rest is UFO’s.  Oh shut up.  You know you have UFO’s.  Oh.  not this many?  Send me your address.  I will send you some.


This is one of 2 cabinets full of client quilts to quilt.  When you leave your quilt, it is hung on a hanger with the backing, and kept safely behind closed doors until we are ready to quilt it.  If you are a smoker and your quilt smells smoky, your quilt is put on a hanger, sealed in a plastic bag, then put in a separate cabinet.  That keeps the smoke off of someone else’s quilt.  We do that for cat and dog owner quilts too.


This is the area where we write up your receipt with all the pertinent quilting and pricing information.  The plastic bin holds bagged quilts ready for pick up.  We also ship nationwide… so we bag finished quilts in plastic bags, then box and take those to the post office ready to be mailed priority.

Somehow I missed taking a photo just to the right of this…. where we have a bookshelf full of quilting books for our clients to borrow.


And this is the door into the rest of the house.

Thanks for taking our virtual tour.  We would love to see your smiling faces at our door!