In my lifetime….

In my lifetime……

I have seen the sign “whites only” at the drinking fountain

Saw whites only at the front of the bus

Went to a school that was mandated to start busing to integrate

In my lifetime…..

I was inspired by Jesse Jackson’s speech at the Rainbow Coalition meeting at McCormick Place in Chicago

Was inspired by Martin Luther King

Was shocked and saddened by the assassination of John Kennedy…

…  Martin Luther King

…    Bobby Kennedy

In my lifetime…

I have heard family and acquaintances use the “n” word, even tho that word was not allowed in our house

have known many bigots and racists

have wondered when we could just all be one community

In my lifetime….

will I see a black president?

In my lifetime.

I have hope it will be so.


I am a Democrat.  But have almost always voted a split ticket in some fashion.  So far I have been undecided.  (I could be an independent, cept then you cant vote in the primary.)

I like Obama.  But it really bugs me that he swings between educated lingo and ghetto lingo.   (petty I know, but it seems so phony.  which is it gonna be?)  I want one or the other, not both.  either way, it seems….. well…… not presidential.

And McCain is old. every day he looks older.   too old to be effective.  heck, he doesnt know or doesnt wanna tell me how many homes he has?  did he forget?  or is he avoiding the question?  either way, it seems….. well…… not presidential.

so then theres Hillary.  I dont like Hillary.  Never did.  Wasnt gonna watch her speech tonite…. but really, what else is on?

So we watched.  O M G!  This is the first time in history that I actually liked her.  That she seemed honest, straightforward and ….. even presidential.  *gasp*  Her speech was great.

Did it sway me?  Maybe.  Probably.

Big things for me:

Which one is gonna:

fix healthcare

create more jobs, keep more jobs here in the USA

improve the economy

make sure Social Security is there for my son and grandkids (hell, lets make sure it is there for ME !)

get out of Iraq and Afghanistan

hmmmmm…… maybe I shoulda voted for Hillary??

What is it?

Steve comes in tonite with this…….

and wants to know what it is.  yeah.  like I would know.  uh huh.

So…. we go back outside with my camera and take pictures of the whole plant.

yeah, right, like I would know….uh huh.

oh….. so YOU know what this is???  well, arent you smart.

You could look it up like I did.  And find out that some websites say it is poisonous/toxic to humans, horses, dogs, cattle.  Some sites say it is not poisonous, although it has not been tested on humans.  (well, gee, wonder why? why not use some death row inmates for trial studies? …. oh, but I digress)  Indians used it to make rope.  give up?  dont give a flip?

Answer:  Hemp dogbane. (Apocynum cannabinum L.)

Also known as:  American hemp, bowmans root, Choctaw root, dogsbane, Indian hemp, rheumatism weed, snake’s milk.

yeah, I knew that.  bet you did too.

and yeah, we washed our hands after handling it.

I’m workin on it

You keep asking about our studio…..  I’m workin on it!  Not done, but have made tons of progress.

Here it is an hour ago, with still lots to do.

View from the main entry to studio:

Hey, it’s quittin time boss!  After 7 and still working?

Yeah, I knocked off early.  Here is my machine. I get terrific side light from those windows.

This is the main entry to the studio.  The white shelf doesnt belong there, nor does the empty small brown bookshelf.  They both need to find their proper homes yet.  Hopefully the card table will eventually be replaced by a desk.

Ok, over there, where Steve sees out the windows….. he also sees all my crap.  I’m workin on it i tell ya!

Morroccan Tiles

Here’s a pretty quilt I did a few weeks ago, before we moved to the new studio. I think I forgot to show it to you. Maybe because I didnt want you to covet it as much as I do? This is one of my favorite quilts ever. Colors, design, fabrics, piecing, quilting….. alas, it is NOT mine. I just wish it were! I took a boatload of pictures, these are the only 2 that arent blurry. Darn.

Here’s the back:

The quilt is called Moroccan Tiles.

The quilt with cups and saucers? Name of that one is Paris Cafe’. Pattern is by an Australian designer I believe. If you Google it, you can find kits for it.


Lots of longarm quilters prefer busy fabrics for the backing of quilts. Steve and I prefer plainer backs so you end up with 2 quilts in one…. reversible. We know it is a matter of personal preference, so whatever the client prefers is fine with us.

This gal normally brings busy backs. When she picked up this quilt today she was stunned. She is now a convert to plainer backs! It’s always fun for me to see that happen….. gives me the giggles.

Her only request on this little quilt was that I emphasize the stars some how.

Here is the back:

Cups and saucers

Because I told Kay I would…… here are pictures of a quilt I did the other day.  Enjoy the pink and the polka dots, Kay!

If it were mine (and it’s not) I would call it cups and saucers.

Unexpected,unwanted jobs

Last nite we thought that today we would both quilt and get some work done, now that this batch of hay was in.

so much for thinking……..

About 9pm, after we had both showered, we heard this waterfall sound coming from the laundry room. Not something you really want to hear, particularly when you arent doing laundry or running water.

A pipe that runs from the ceiling to the water heater broke. A main line. I ran to move stuff (like the laundry baskets of CLEAN clothes directly in the line of fire) and Steve ran to turn off the water main.

This morning he got the cold water partly turned on so we can at least flush the toilet. But we have to haul water to the cows since that shut off is affected too. We went to get a new hot water heater, plumbing supplies and pipes. Luckily, we had the BEST help at HomeDepot. Amazing man who knew his stuff. Dontcha love it when that happens? It is unexpected and makes a dreaded job less difficult.

Steve hates plumbing. But he has been sweet and working steadily to get it done. Hot water by midnite? Maybe. The wall, ceiling and floor are all clean there now too! That was my contribution. Well, that and KFC!

In the midst of all this commotion, the little girl from next door comes over asking me to fix her jeans. That is NOT a job i like to do. I do quilts, not clothes. Not mending. Not hemming. But for this family, (Steve’s niece’s kids) I often do fix school clothes. One kid is way overweight, the other is very skinny. So finding things to fit them is a problem. I told her to come back in an hour. That was 4 hours ago and she hasnt come back. Maybe the state of our house scared her! (I can hope, right?)

I quilted this afternoon. Sorry, no pics yet.


Lots of things feel new around here.  That can be good and bad ya know.

Here is a good new thing:

This is Prissy’s new baby.  Born 8/17/08 in the am.

I have no picture yet, but Steven and Anne had a new baby today, 8/18/08 in the am.  She was 10 lbs, 4 oz (same wt her Daddy was on arrival!) and her name is McKenzie Olivia.  Pretty name for a pretty girl.  Congrats to Steve, Anne and big sister Avery…. and of course to Grandpa Phil and Uncle Glenn.

As for other newness…

it is hard to get work done when you cant find stuff.  I am busy reorganizing as I move into the new studio.  We have been quilting in the new studio, but for a few days it was back and forth from one end of house to other to get what you needed.  It will be several more weeks before we have the studio really organized the way we want it.  Lots done, but lots left to do.

See what I mean?  this is all sorted (really!) but the shelving and cabinet needs to be put together so it can be put in its new home.

Here is one of the 2 quilts I did this week.

And here is one of several that Steve did.  (he also cut and baled 180 bales of hay)  Thought Sammi would like this one.


The great debate here has been open shelving vs. cabinets.  Cabinets won.  Bins were out of the question.

I function by seeing what I have.  Steve doesnt get that. (yeah, hes an auditory learner, Im a visual learner)  So while he’s yappin about it, I am visualizing it and often not able to verbalize it.

So I folded.  Or my friends folded. (thanks gals!) Three of us folded.  and folded. and folded some more.  I still have to do all the fat quarters.  They will go on open shelving.

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