
Like all of life…… and death…..

some keep their distance


some are close by, yet remain in the shadows


and some are waiting too eagerly……


to lay claim to what can be had.

Not unlike those surrounding Michael Jackson’s children and property.

What’s on your wall?

What’s on YOUR design wall?

I have been fooling around with this stack n whack quilt…..


I need to get this one put together so I can use the design wall to lay out the next one.

Oh, that thing hanging on the left side?  An art quilt that has been in progress for close to 3 years.  And above it?  2 little blocks for an Obama quilt.  (I belong to an online group making a quilt for the Obama family)

And that crap on the table on the right?  Several projects in various states of progress.  Yep, it’s how I roll.  Multi-tasking is the name of my game.

A little nature

A few nature shots …. all on our property.

Frogs in the pond



Baby robins



Humming moth.  They sound like a hummingbird too.

humming moth

humming moth2

Hello? Anyone home??

Hello??  helllllooooooooooooooooo……….


anyone else here?  Oh, there you are!  Hi!  How the heck are you?  Whatcha been doing?  What have you created lately?  Been on vacation?  Feeling well?

Oh, me?? I am ok.  Think I am finally on the road back to better health.  I got home from MQX completely wiped out.  Kicked me right in to an acute exacerbation…. or flare….. of MS.  So after a big kick in the butt with some heavy duty steroids and a little PT at home, I am doing better.  I have quilted like a snail some days in the past 2 mos, but not nearly as much as normal.

So….. it is June, which means hay season at our house.  Steve cut hay last week, and hopes to cut some more next week.  That means Gayle stays inside and out of the barn.  Hay gives me asthma, so I watch from a distance.

We have had a beautiful spring, which I have enjoyed immensely.  My camera and I go on yard tours often.  I will share some photos along the way.

Speaking of photos…. see my new header???  That is cropped from the photo below of a turtle in our pond.  Anyone know what kind it is?  We only saw his/her head, so couldn’t really tell.  Any experts?


Hope some of my regular readers are still around, and other new ones come by to visit too.

Here is a quilt I finished last month.  It belongs to Sammi, and was made from a pattern by Pam Bono.






And just for Sammi, who loves purple almost as much as she loves life….. a purple petunia with a bee on it.
