Olympic Challenge

Every 4 years I work on quilt bindings.  So far, I have done bindings on a Double Wedding Ring table runner, baby quilt and queen size quilt.  I have 2 more queens to go.

I knew this wouldn’t be enough to keep me occupied while I watch the Olympics, so I dragged out this project.

I bought this old beat up lonestar quilt at a local antique shop.  I have no idea how old it is…. 30’s or 40’s would be my guess.  It is in sad shape.  I cut off the outer edge and bound it, thinking I would use it on the table as a tablecloth.

I tried stitching a new diamond on…. and promptly took it off.  I have since been using my bottle of Aleene’s Tacky Glue.  I will stitch them down after I get them all glued on.

Yep, I know some of you are freaking about that glue thing.  I don’t really much care.  I can’t hold a needle like the rest of the world because of my MS, so I have learned to compensate with glue.  Besides, I didn’t throw the thing away!  I do like this quilt and it has been the perfect little project to work on in spurts during the glorious Olympic games.

Just one star point glued.  7 to go.

Speaking of the Olympics… isn’t Canada the greatest host?  What a fabulous job they did on opening ceremonies.  KD Lang absolutely outdid herself.  And that poet?  OMG!  He was great.  Canadians should be so proud of them.

The games have been a blast to watch.  Sport at it’s best.  Great competition, good judging and sportsmanship.  Excitement at every turn and finish line.

You wont see me much during the games… my fingers might be glued together.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Judy
    Feb 15, 2010 @ 20:13:08

    glue your fingers together and how will you change the volume control? ;>)

    you do what works for you Gayle, no apologies or explanations needed.


    • Gayle
      Feb 15, 2010 @ 21:27:04

      oh Judy, good point. I need to change the volume for every blasting commercial!

      Guess it did sound like an apology, which isnt exactly how I meant it. What I should have said is:
      dont like glue? get over it! lol



      • Judy
        Feb 15, 2010 @ 22:30:37

        Now that I can hear you saying! LOL My Olympics project is knitting a pair of socks, but they’re going oh so slowly…. so very, very slowly….. too much time watching the tv instead of the needles!

  2. Lynn Douglass
    Feb 16, 2010 @ 02:46:54

    LOL! You two crack me up! I don’t believe in rules in most cases, so glue away!


  3. BeckyP
    Feb 16, 2010 @ 05:36:42

    Glue to your hearts content!!! That quilt is pretty and in rough shape..do what you have to do to give it a few more good years!!! I have been making fur muffs for all the bridesmaids to carry in Whitney’s wedding!!! Most of it is hand sewing. My fingers are hurting so bad!!! Fibromyalgia does not allow for this much hard hand work! I loved the opening ceremonies of the Olympics too!!! It was so imaginative and magical!! I was glued!!! Have fun watching the rest!!!


  4. Freda
    Feb 16, 2010 @ 10:29:22

    I love the lonestar Gayle and no one should care how you repair it. I’m watching some of the Olympics when I can and I hate to hear I missed k d lang, as I have always liked her.


  5. Christine Olson
    Feb 17, 2010 @ 13:04:30

    Confused. (What’s new…) Stitching on a new diamond? Just one little diamond piece or a multi-pieced diamond?

    Anyway, go ahead and break the rules (if there are really are any). Your quilt, your rules! Love the quilt, btw.

    Let glue be your friend! I so relate to you’re not being able to handle a needle with your MS. I have arthritis that has flared up in a big way after a recent trip to the east coast. I didn’t realize how fast the cold can really affect arthritis. I can hardly sign my name right now. Wish I could get away with using a signature stamp! lol.


  6. Christine Olson
    Feb 17, 2010 @ 13:24:13

    NEVERMIND! I enlarged your pic and NOW I see what you were replacing! Duh.

    Nice job, Gayle!


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