Street Walking

No, not THAT kind of street walking.

I have been trying to get out and walk a few times a week since our road is no longer covered in 3 inches of ice.  It isnt a very exciting walk, and I can only go about a half mile, but I have been finding it enjoyable.

I took the camera with me Monday on my street walk.  Here is just a taste of what I saw:

This is the new road going back into our neighbor’s woods.  The road goes a LONG ways back.  They cut out all those trees to make way for the heavy equipment for drilling a new gas well.  The well is drilled, fracked and probably all connected up to the new gas lines now.  We saw them laying gas pipe last week.  At the bottom left is where the porta potty was.  It has been there for about 2 mos.  And Saturday it was tipped over, laying down on it’s side.  Monday it was gone.  Spose those workers are just shitting in the woods instead now?  I bet they are.  Glad my well is UPstream, not downstream from the way the water flows.


I saw lots of birds on my walk….. here’s a cardinal that was singing to me.


I have been fascinated by this next shot.  I have been taking the shot in my mind many times this winter.  I think it reminds me of the San Andreas fault in California.  I have taken pictures of the fault many times, and it just makes me think of that.  Of course, this is not a fault in the ground, it is just a ditch that the farmer made to help water run off his field better.


Lots of marshmallows left.  (wrapped baleage)  These give Steve hay-envy.  They give me ….. umm, …. nothing.   Cept they make an interesting shape in the crooked rows.


This beautiful field is planted in corn or hay every year.  Last year was corn, as you can see.  When they plant this field with hay, it is a combo of clover and orchard grass.  This field used to be part of a huge potato farm years ago.



And most exciting of all on this trip was seeing green:


I dont know what that is growing in the ditch along the road…. probably weeds.  I dont even care what it is…… it’s GREEN and GROWING!  After 2 mos of snowcover, it was a delightful sight.

And tonite’s forcast?  5 new inches of snow.

Thanks for taking a walk with me….. back to quilting!

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ramona-quilter
    Feb 18, 2009 @ 18:01:30

    I feel all refreshed from my walk. LOL. I love the photo of the cardinal. Porta-potty tipping was a favorite game with the spoiled-brat-juvenile-delinquents in my neighborhood. They were building a house across street from me and I think that little outhouse got nailed 6 or 7 times in 2 months.
    So being a city-girl, why is the hay shrink-wrapped? Does it keep it dry? Or is it not really hay?
    The only big white things we have around here are bee hives in white boxes. They’re near all the groves and orchards.

    You cut the hay, round bale it and wrap in plastic. It is high moisture hay, not completely dry hay. Once wrapped in plastic, it seals the oxygen out. The enzymes in the hay use up the oxygen inside there and it makes it ferment. Without oxygen it cant mold. So it is preserved.

    I quoted Steve on all that. Cuz me? I know very little…. and care not a whole lot more than a little about hay. The hay is his thing. But I do like watching them work in the fields..from a distance cuz hay gives me asthma. I’m a city girl too….. altho wouldnt want to live in a city again after being in the country for 20 yrs.



  2. sammi
    Feb 18, 2009 @ 19:50:17

    thank you for the beautiful tour. I find myself inhaling your pretty clean air.

    I like the angularity of the corn cobs against the stalks.


  3. stacybuckeye
    Feb 18, 2009 @ 21:50:24

    What a fun tour 🙂 Great pic of the cardinal through the branches.


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